Bajjodi : A unique one day camp SPARKLE 2K22 was organised by the Bajjodi ICYM unit for children of classes 1 to PUC on the occasion of Children's Day on Sunday 6th November 2022 from 8.30 am to 4 pm.

The camp started at 8.30am with the registration. Prayer was led by the ICYM members. Chief Guest of the event - Parish Priest and ICYM Director of Bajjodi unit, Fr. Ivan Dsouza inaugurated the camp. ICYM Asst. Director Fr. Rayan Pinto, Fr. Patrick Lobo, PPC Vice President Mr. Prakash Saldanha, PPC Secretary Mrs. Irine Pinto, ICYM animators Mr. Santhosh Veigas and Mrs. Seema Carlo, City Deanery President Nisha D'souza, Unit President Jilson Pinto were among those present.

Fr. Ivan Dsouza wished all the children in advance on the occasion of Children's Day and encouraged everyone to participate enthusiastically and enjoy the day that was specially planned for them. Actions songs, and ice breaker session was held followed by Talk regarding Personality Development, Mental Health Problems in Adolescents etc. by Resource Person Mrs. Rikitha Pais. Special Mass was arranged for children at 12.30pm followed by lunch. An interactive session was taken up post lunch by Mrs Vandana Dsouza on Friendship and Peer Pressure followed by Treasure hunt which was the most awaited part of the day. Prizes were distributed groupwise by Fr. Rayan Pinto, Br. Movin Pereira and ICYM animator Mr. Santhosh Veigas. The programme ended at 4.45pm. Vote of Thanks was delivered by Chrisha Sequeira.

Programme was compered by Neha Mendonca and Kreethan Dsouza. Around 100 enthusiastic children participated in this camp and SPARKLE 2K22 was a great success.

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